CZT : AE - Organisers

Powered by CZTs for CZTs

In the spirit of giving back, the CZT : AE event had been first organized in 2017 on a pro bono basis by Debbie New, a CZT 18 of Rhode Island, Providence, for the CZTs of Singapore. Debbie is the resident CZT at Tangled Pursuits, Singapore. 

This year, the event will be organized under the Seven Forests Five Rivers [ 7F5R ] LLP banner, of which Debbie is a partner, together with Stephanie Jennifer Fernandez, a CZT 21 of Rhode Island, Providence, and Susan Yeo Pei San a CZT Asia 2 of Taiwan

A Note from Debbie's desk:

It is tremendously humbling to see the CZT : AE series grow from strength to strength every year from what was once a small, in-person event of under 15 CZTs. However, as the event has grown immensely, it has become necessary to cover the costs of running such a massive event. Since 2020, CZT : AE now  serves a global CZT community. Our Alumni of  CZTs hail from as many as 24 nations, around the world. 

What was once a simple project now generates around 4-5 months of full-time work for a small team for each conference, on the ground here in Singapore. My team and I have always been very 'grass-roots' and personal in our approach, and we see the organiser's fee as a necessity to empower our team to continue to better serve this amazing community. In 2021, for the very first time since 2017, we introduced an organisers’ fee for the CZT : AE 2021 Spring and Autumn, as well as future Editions. 

In continuing the tradition, the intention is for all CZT : AE events to remain not-for-profit: To better provide opportunities to the CZT community and to support worthy causes. 

We sincerely appreciate your continued support in the seasons to come.

Contact Information

Team Singapore for CZT : AE